A Christmas Beat

And as I head out onto that darkened street

To patrol the night on a Christmas beat

Its Christmas Eve on this here night

What could happen, what will be, what might?


I pray that I go home safe and sound

To be with my loved ones, who are here, around. 

It makes me think, those who can’t do the same

What do they think, do they think it’s a shame?


See it’s a lonely old life for a bobby like me

Spare a thought while you’re sipping on yer tea

We’re out in the cold making you feel safe

Our shoes are rubbing, beginning to chafe


But we don’t complain, we plod along

I’ll listen out for the midnight bong

And while you sleep warm in your bed

I’ll be high fiving Santa while he rides in his sled. 


Merry Christmas everyone.

Author: PC Fuzz.

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